New Delhi:The Special Cell of the Delhi police has arrested two people in connection with the shootout inside the Rohini court in Delhi that left three, including gangster Jitender Maan 'Gogi', dead. The accused, Umang, 22, and Vinay,19, were absconding since Friday's shootout. Police said further arrests are expected soon in the case.
Police have confirmed that Sunil alias 'Tillu', who is currently lodged in jail number 15 at Mandoli Prison, was behind the incident. Investigations revealed the arrested duo and the two assailants (Jagdeep and Rahul) shot dead by police were part of 'Tillu gang'. The quartet had met at a mall before leaving for the court. The plan was Umang will wait outside in a car as a backup while the others would go inside the courtroom to kill 'Gogi'. But since the plan flopped, Umang and Vinay escaped from the spot.
The police said that the two were arrested on the basis of 'some unusual activities' captured in the closed-circuit television cameras installed near gate no. 4 of the court.