New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Saturday issued a traffic advisory ahead of the Panch Parmeshwar Sammelan called by the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) at Ramlila Maidan on October 15. BJP president JP Nadda along with a large number of participants and other senior leaders of the party will attend the gathering on Sunday from 10 am onwards at Ramlila Maidan, an official statement said.
No traffic will be allowed on Ranjeet Singh Flyover from Barakhamba Road to Guru Nanak Chowk, Vivekanand Marg from Minto Road to roundabout Kamla Market, JLN Marg (From Rajghat to Delhi Gate), roundabout Kamla Market to Guru Nanak Chowk, Chaman Lal Marg near VIP Gate and Paharganj Chowk towards Ajmeri Gate after 8 am, the advisory said.
An exception has been made for ambulances, patients going to Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) Hospital, GB Pant hospital and passengers going to New Delhi Railway Station). Buses coming from north and westbound for Ajmeri Gate and beyond will be diverted on Rani Jhansi Road, Arambagh Road will terminate at Arambagh road and will go back via Chitragupta Road, Paharganj Chowk and DBG Road, the advisory said.