New Delhi:Delhi Police Special Commissioner (Law and order), Sagar Preet Hooda on Tuesday said that another woman who accompanied the Kanjhwala incident victim Anjali Singh has emerged as an eye-witness in the case. Her statement is being recorded under 164 CrPC, Hooda said while addressing a press conference on the Kanjhawala accident case in the national capital.
"The woman who accompanied the victim on her scooter did not sustain any injury in the accident. Since she was scared, she fled when the accident took place leaving her friend behind," Hooda said. The victim's friend, reportedly identified as Nidhi, did not tell about the accident with anyone else, he added.
"So, now we have an eye witness to the incident and she is cooperating with the police. We are getting her statement recorded under section 164 CrPC. This is a significant development in the incident. This will be important evidence for us to get the accused punished," Hooda said.
Further adding that the investigation is still underway, he said, "It is at the primary stage and multiple angles are being probed. We are hopeful of completing the investigation soon and we will ensure that the accused get the strictest punishment."