New Delhi:A Delhi court has pulled up the police for not complying with its directions to supply coloured photographs and CCTV footage to the accused in February 2020 riots cases in a time-bound manner, asking why appropriate legal action be not taken against the officials concerned.
Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Arun Kumar Garg issued the warning after Vinod, one of the accused in a riots case, apprised him that although he has received the complete copy of the charge sheet, the coloured copies of photographs relied upon by the prosecution in it have not been supplied to him.
Expressing displeasure over this, the judge noted that the investigating officer (IO) and Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) have failed to ensure the compliance of its earlier direction to "ensure the supply of copies of coloured photos and CCTV footage in all the riots cases to all the accused against proper acknowledgment in a time bound manner".
In an order dated October 23, he directed a show cause be issued to the IO and DCP (NE), asking why appropriate action as per law, including under Section 60 read with section 122 of Delhi Police Act, be not taken against them for non-compliance of directions of the court.