New Delhi: Delhi on Saturday logged 11,486 new COVID 19 cases in the last 24 hours, alongside a 14,802 recoveries and 45 deaths that occurred in the same period. There are 58,593 active cases in the capital at the moment, with a positivity rate of 16.36%.
The fresh cases count saw a slight rise from Friday's count of 10,756. The daily death count, however, clocked the highest number of deaths since June 5, 2021.
14802 patients were discharged/migrated during the same time period, while the number of those still admitted in the hospitals amounted to 2,423.
When it comes to testing status, Delhi saw a total of 56,551 RT PCR tests being conducted in the last 24 hours, while 13,675 rapid antigen tests were conducted in this time.
Total COVID tests done till date amount to 3,44,01,748.