New Delhi: The city police on Saturday told a Delhi court that it has decided to add section 66B of the IT Act in various mobile theft cases while replying to its queries. On July 22, a Delhi Court has asked city police why Section 66B of the IT Act has not been invoked in cases like mobile theft. Metropolitan Magistrate Deepak Kumar asked the Okhla Industrial area of the South-East District police station to file a report on its queries why section 66B of the IT Act has not been invoked in cases like mobile theft. Section 66 B of the IT act deals with dishonestly receiving stolen computer resources or communication devices.
"Before parting with this order and in view of the submissions made by Ld. APP for the State qua non-invocation of section 66B of the IT Act in these type of cases, let a report be called from the SHO, PS OIA as to why section 66B of the IT Act has not been invoked in the present case FIR and/or is not invoked in the case FIRS of mobile theft cases," the court said.
The court observation came while granting bail to one accused of mobile theft asking him to furnish a personal bond in the sum of Rs 15,000 with one surety of like amount subject to the condition that he shall not indulge in the offences of the same nature nor influence the witnesses and shall join the investigation appear in the court as and when directed to do so.