New Delhi:The Delhi Police on Tuesday opposed the bail plea of Niraj Bishnoi, the alleged creator of the Bulli Bai app, saying the stage was not to grant him relief since the investigation was at a very nascent stage. The probe agency told the court that the accused used his Twitter handle to target Muslim women.
It told the court that the contents of Bishnoi's Twitter handles were derogatory as he and others were using words like 'Suli' and 'Buli' for the women of the community. Several complaints were received by police stations in the country regarding the listing of Muslim women for "auction" on the 'Bulli Bai' mobile application with photographs sourced without permission and doctored. It has happened for the second time in less than a year. The app appeared to be a clone of 'Sulli Deals' which triggered a similar row last year.
He is the one who had created the website. The Investigation officer is still investigating. Only one victim has turned up by now and there are many others who are yet to be found out, the police told the court. Additional Sessions Judge Dharmender Rana took note of the submission and adjourned the matter for January 27 for further arguments. The judge also asked Delhi Police to file a fresh and detailed reply in the matter.