New Delhi:The Delhi Police has filed a fresh charge sheet in the Rohini Shootout case wherein Gangster Jitendra was killed and two assailants who had come to shoot him were killed in cross-firing. In its 111-page charge sheet, the Crime Branch has given complete details of the incident from the preparation of the plan by Tillu, lodged in Mandoli jail, to its completion.
Tillu, who was lodged in Mandoli jail, trained both the shooters in order to appear in court as professional lawyers for a month. The training, as per reports, was done in the house of fellow accused Umang Yadav, in Haiderpur.
The police, in order to probe the incident, picked up Tillu from the Mandoli jail, arresting Yadav late from Haiderpur.
The police filed the final report for offences under sections 302 (murder), 353 (assault), 186 (obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), and various sections under the Arms Act.
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