New Delhi: The Delhi Police have filed detailed chargesheets in the "Bulli Bai" and "Sulli Deals" cases in which women belonging to a minority community were allegedly targeted and defamed. The cases were being probed by the Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit of the Delhi Police's Special Cell. The derogatory Sulli Deals mobile app had surfaced in July 2021, where photos of Muslim women, without their consent, were put up "for auction" on the app.
Six months later, another similar incident of harassing and targeting women from the community came to light after a Delhi-based woman journalist lodged a complaint with the Delhi Police stating that she was being targeted by some unidentified group of people on a mobile application. This time, the app was named as Bulli Bai, yet again created on US-based GitHub platform.
The prime accused in the cases, identified as Niraj Bishnoi, who created the Bulli Bai app and Aumkareshwar Thakur, creator of the Sulli Deals app, were arrested by the Delhi Police January 6 and January 8, respectively.
According to sources, the chargesheet which was filed on March 4, Friday, in a local court in Delhi, contained 2,000 pages in the Bulli Bai case while in Sulli Deals case chargesheet was of 700 pages. In the Sulli Deals case, the Cyber Crime Unit of the Delhi Police had registered an FIR under section 354-A (Sexual harassment and punishment for sexual harassment) of the Indian Penal Code on July 8.
However, the chargesheet has been filed under sections 153A (Promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony), 153B (Imputations, assertions prejudicial to national-integration) and 354A(3) (Sexual harassment and punishment for sexual harassment) of the IPC, read with section 66, 67 of the IT Act.