New Delhi:The third accused in the killing of a former Union Minister's wife Kitty Kumaramangalam has remained elusive but the Delhi Police is conducting raids at multiple locations to nab him, officials said on Saturday. The 70-year-old lawyer, the wife of late Union minister P Rangaraja Kumaramangalam, was smothered to death on Tuesday night during an attempted robbery at her home in southwest Delhi's Vasant Vihar, police said. Three to four teams of Delhi Police are conducting raids to nab the accused, identified as Suraj, police said on Saturday.
However, the police refused to say anything about the accused's location and said teams are working to arrest the accused. The police had arrested two accused -- Raju (24) and Rakesh Raj, (34) -- and taken them into police remand for two days on Thursday, officials said. On Friday, police had said that the raids were being conducted in Rajasthan and areas in and around the national capital to nab Suraj, who is suspected to have fled to Jaipur with the robbed gold ornaments to sell them.