New Delhi: The Delhi Municipal Corporation (Amendment )Bill, 2022 was introduced by Home Minister Amit Shah in Lok Sabha on Friday. Earlier on Tuesday, the Union Cabinet gave its nod to present a bill for the unification of three municipal corporations in Delhi, "The Delhi Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2022".
Erstwhile, Delhi Municipal Corporation was trifurcated into three municipal corporations including South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC), North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), and East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) in the year 2011, as per Delhi Municipal Corporation Amendment Act, 1911 (Delhi Act, 12 Of 2011).
Earlier, State Election Commissioner SK Srivastava informed that the Centre has deferred the announcement of polling dates for the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) election after the central government raised a few issues that are yet to be legally examined by the Election Commission.
He also informed that the Centre is planning to "unify" the three civic bodies and hence did not announce the poll schedule.