New Delhi: On the last day of filing the nominations for the forthcoming Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) elections, a total of 2,394 candidates filed their nominations on Monday. Out of 2,394 nominations, 1,871 candidates were uploaded till midnight and the rest were being uploaded. The scrutiny of nominations will take place on November 16, while the last date for withdrawing candidatures is November 19. Polling for the 250 municipal wards will take place on December 4 and the votes will be counted on December 7.
Delhi MCD elections: 2,400 candidates file nomination papers
The scrutiny of nominations will take place on November 16, while the deadline for withdrawing candidatures is November 19. Polling for the 250 municipal wards will take place on December 4 and the votes will be counted on December 7.
Also read:MCD polls: All 250 BJP candidates file nomination on last day
“Process for receipt of nominations went smoothly and elaborate arrangements have been put in place at all Returning Officers headquarters, being the last day for nominations. District magistrates, deputy commissioner of police and deputy commissioners of MCD made coordinated arrangements for traffic, parking and basic facilities", said a senior SEC official. This time contest is being anticipated between the Aam Aadmi Party and the BJP, while the Congress, which is facing defeats, will contest the MCD elections to save its existence. This MCD election will be the first civic election after the fresh delimitation exercise in the national capital.