New Delhi: Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena on Wednesday ordered the suspension of the deputy secretary in Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's office and two sub-divisional magistrates (SDMs) over corruption charges. Prakash Chandra Thakur posted as deputy secretary in the chief minister's office, Vasant Vihar SDM Harshit Jain, and Vivek Vihar SDM Devender Sharma was suspended as disciplinary proceedings were ordered against them, according to an official statement.
The lieutenant governor had on Monday also suspended two assistant engineers of the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) after finding lapses in the construction of EWS flats in Kalkaji Extension. Last week, the LG chaired a meeting to review the law and order situation of the national capital, in which, he was briefed about the current law and order scenario, crime data analysis, preventive measures, major challenges, reforms or initiatives undertaken and their impact by the Delhi Commissioner of Police.
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