New Delhi:A division bench of the Delhi High Court headed by Justice Vipin Sanghi, on Tuesday, has proposed to reduce the fine imposed on actor Juhi Chawla from Rs 20 lakh to Rs 2 lakh in the 5G lawsuit on the condition that the actor has to do some social work for the Delhi State Legal Services Authority.
The court told Salman Khurshid, Juhi Chawla's lawyer, that it would not completely write off the fine imposed by the single judge bench. The court further added that Juhi Chawla may be contacted by the Delhi State Legal Services Authority, whenever they need any help. Juhi Chawla had in turn said that she is ready for the task.
When Salman Khurshid asked whether the court fees should be given to the Delhi Legal Services Authority as the petition has been dismissed, the court issued a notice to Kanwaljit Arora the Secretary of Delhi Services Legal Authority seeking his response. The court will hear the case again on Thursday.
Actor Juhi Chawla had filed a plea before the Delhi High Court against the introduction of 5G technology in India. However, in June 2021 a single-judge bench of the Delhi High Court led by Justice JR Midha had dismissed her petition, describing it as a waste of judicial time, and in turn, imposed a fine of Rs 20 lakh. On December 23, the Delhi High Court slammed actor Juhi Chawla for failing to appear before the court on time. However, later on, the High Court agreed to hear the matter after the winter vacation.