New Delhi:A Delhi High Court bench on Tuesday dismissed a plea that alleged Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has links with banned organisation 'Sikhs For Justice' (SFJ) and other Khalistani forces. The bench of Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Navin Chawla also asked the counsel for the petitioner not to file such frivolous petitions. The plea was filed by Congress leader Jagdish Sharma who also sought a high-level inquiry against Kejriwal.
The petition referred to allegations leveled by former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi and Kumar Vishwas. Union Home Minister Amit Shah had also assured Channi of an inquiry into his allegations. The home minister after considering the life threat to the whistleblower Kumar Vishwas, has also provided Y Category security to him. Considering the serious nature of the allegations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also made an announcement to be aware of these separatist forces and the party that is supported by these separatist forces.
Also read:Khalistan row: Kejriwal says NIA will file FIR against him