New Delhi: The Delhi High Court Wednesday directed all its officers and officials to start attending office with 100 per cent strength on a regular basis from February 14 onwards. In its circular, the high court has asked court staff to get themselves fully vaccinated and also strictly adhere to the norms of social distancing and COVID-19 protocols, guidelines, and directions issued by the central government, Delhi Government, and the court from time to time.
Hon'ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to direct that all the Officers and officials of this Court shall attend office with 100% strength on regular basis with effect from 14.02.2022. All the court-staff shall get themselves fully vaccinated and shall strictly adhere to the norms of social distancing and COVID-19 protocols, guidelines, directions, etc. issued by the Government of India. Government of NCT of Delhi and this Court from time to time, the circular said.