New Delhi: Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday arrested Delhi Health and Home Minister Satyendar Jain in connection with alleged hawala transactions related to a Kolkata-based company. Jain was arrested after a special ED team raided his place in Delhi. Besides, Home and Health, Jain holds portfolios of Power, PWD, Industries, Urban Development and Flood and Irrigation and Water in the Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi government.
The action came after the ED in April this year attached immovable properties worth Rs 4.81 crore owned by companies named Akinchan Developers Pvt. Ltd, Indo Metal Impex Pvt Ltd, and others under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 in connection with the disproportionate asset and money laundering case registered Jain, his wife Poonam Jain, and others.
It may be recalled that on August 25, 2017, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had filed an FIR against Jain in a money laundering case. The ED had registered a criminal case against the AAP leader based on this FIR in which it had been alleged that Jain could not explain the source of funds received by four companies in which he was a shareholder.