New Delhi: The plea by seven Doctors Medical Associations seeking a stay on the alleged false claims made by Baba Ramdev regarding Coronil is likely to be heard in the High Court today. Earlier on July 26, as Justice C Harishankar was on leave for the day, the hearing of the case was adjourned to Friday (July 30). In the plea it has been alleged that Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev had misled the public at large by his statements against allopathy amid Covid. Actually, Baba Ramdev had even claimed that the infectious disease could be treated with his Ayurvedic medicine Coronil.
It also alleged that the misinformation spread by Ramdev helped him rake over Rs 1,000 crores through the sale of Coronil. Ramdev had appeared on several platforms and made statements against the treatment and vaccine prescribed by ICMR, AIIMS and Health Ministry. He had allegedly called doctors as agents of pharmaceutical companies and drug mafia who are killing people. Advocate Rajiv Dutta, appearing for the DMA, said that the Yoga teacher had publicly challenged science apart from doctors.