New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has quashed an FIR against a man who was charged with molesting his domestic help, but has ordered him to donate two computers and printers for two MCD schools within a couple of weeks.
The court noted recently that the man and the complainant had entered into a settlement, but directed him to "do some good for the benefit of the society" since the State resources, including the police, were unnecessarily overburdened because of the case.
"Both the parties state that they have entered into the aforesaid settlement out of their own will, volition and without any threat, force or coercion. I am of the view that the entire police machinery has been put in motion on account of the acts of commission and omission on behalf of the petitioner and useful time of the police has been invested. The State resources have been unnecessarily overburdened. Hence the petitioner must do some social good for the benefit of the society," Justice Jasmeet Singh said.
The high court said, "In view of the settlement and for the reasons stated above, FIR and proceedings emanating therefrom is hereby quashed, subject to the petitioner (man) providing two new fully functional desktop computers each with printers in two MCD schools within two weeks."