New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has quashed an FIR registered against a Canadian resident, who was found with three live ammunition during his physical checking at the airport here, subject to the payment of costs of Rs 30,000. Justice Jasmeet Singh said that the law required conscious possession or knowledge of the possession of ammunition for prosecution under the Arms Act and in the present case, the presence of ammunition in the petitioner's jacket was a mishap.
The judge noted that the petitioner who claimed to have worn the jacket for a long time has a valid arms license and the live ammunition remained in his jacket. In view of the aforesaid, the FIR 33/2022 dated 25.01.2022 registered at PS IGI Airport under Section 30 Arms Act and all consequential proceedings emanating therefrom are hereby quashed subject to the petitioner paying costs of Rs. 30,000/- to DLSA (Delhi State Legal Services Authority), said the court in a recent order.
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