New Delhi: The Delhi High court on Thursday granted interim bail of two weeks to the Investigation Officer (IO) of the case of custodial death of Unnao rape victim's father. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the matter. Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma granted interim bail to Kamta Prasad Singh for the period from March 4 to March 18. His son's engagement is scheduled on March 11. He is also to visit the office of the superintendent of police, Unnao, UP in connection with the withdrawal of his provident fund, the court noted
Kamta Prasad Singh moved a plea through Advocate Akhand Pratap Singh and Abhinandan Gautam. He sought an interim suspension sentence for four weeks on the ground of his son's engagement and to complete the formalities for the withdrawal of his provident fund. The CBI filed the status report verifying that the engagement of the petitioner's son is scheduled on March 11 in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. However, the second ground could not be verified.