New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Thursday refused to interfere with the eviction of Lok Sabha MP Chirag Paswan from a bungalow allotted to his late father Ram Vilas Paswan here. Dismissing the petition by Chirag Paswan's mother Reena Paswan, Justice Yashwant Varma observed that at this stage, it will have to stall the process which has already started and that the premises was not his "party headquarters". The petitioner's counsel sought four months from the court to vacate the premises in Janpath in the heart of the city citing "practical difficulties" and told the court that hundreds of persons were staying there presently, including family members.
The lawyer for the petitioner added that the present occupants have no other place to stay in the national capital and the bungalow houses a museum in the memory of late Ram Vilas Paswan and also has several artifacts. "This is not your party headquarters," said Justice Varma. The judge noted that the process was initiated in 2020 and the parties were given notice for the same.
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