New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Friday dismissed a petition seeking direction to remove people 'squatting under the garb of farmers' agitation' in the national capital and clear all the roads and public places. The Bench of Justice DN Patel and Justice Jyoti Singh on Friday "dismissed for default" after no counsel from the petitioner side appeared in the matter. The Court also said on earlier dates too, no one appeared in the matter.
However, Advocate Amit Mahajan, standing counsel for the Centre appeared in the matter. The petition was filed by Dhananjai Jain, a Delhi resident through advocate Bhoop Singh, who sought direction to respondents to put adequate para-military forces to protect important monuments and to ensure the safety of life and property of citizens of Delhi and restore a feeling of confidence and security amongst them.
The petitioner stated that he lives in Delhi and as a socially conscious person was aghast at the unprecedented violent developments and unbecoming incidents that took place in various parts of Delhi on January 26, the Republic Day in the capital city of India.