New Delhi:Amid the Chhath Puja festival, the Delhi government on Wednesday morning deployed about 15 boats and water sprinklers to clear the toxic foam that gets formed by the high input of industrial pollutants into the Yamuna river, whose ghats (banks) are used by devotees for offerings to the Sun-God.
"Delhi government has deployed 15 boats to remove the foam that is forming in the Yamuna due to increasing pollution. The Irrigation and Flood Control Department, Revenue Department and Delhi Pollution Control Committee have taken this decision jointly," a government official told IANS.
Visuals of clearing the foam from the river banks at Kalindi Kunj are being widely shared on social media in which a boat with a cloth tied in the back could be seen bringing foam out to the shore.
This decision of the Delhi government at the eleventh hour is being termed as a "face-saving exercise," by political parties, critics and environmentalists alike. "Delhi government is using water sprinklers to wash away the foam on Yamuna river. But this is only a cosmetic arrangement and does not address the root cause of the pollution. If they really intend to solve the problem, they must connect all the drains to Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and also ensure that the STPs are fully functional. Besides, the STPs must comply with all the scientific parameters set for treated water like faecal coliform, phosphate, etc," Environmentalist Vikrant Tongad said, adding, "We can't blame neighbouring states all the time."