Haridwar: The Kotwali Ranipur Police of Haridwar, on Tuesday, nabbed the two people who were absconding they gang-raped a Delhi girl. The accused boss and his accomplice called her to Haridwar on the pretext of holding a meeting. The Kotwali Ranipur Police of Haridwar, on Monday, lodged a complaint after the gang-rape was confirmed followed by the medical examination of the victim.
Delhi girl gangraped by boss, his accomplice in Haridwar
She was called to Haridwar on Saturday for a meeting with her boss Anil Thakur. On Sunday, Anil called her to his flat.
The victim, in the complaint, said that she hails from Najafgarh and works in a firm in Delhi. She was called to Haridwar on Saturday for a meeting with her boss Anil Thakur. On Sunday, Anil called her to his flat. Then Anil and his collogue Rahul insisted she has a drink.
The victim claimed that she fell unconscious after consuming the drink as she suspected that the accused mixed something in it. The victim was then allegedly raped by Anil and Rahul. The victim's family rushed to Haridwar on Monday after she informed them, said a police official.