New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested Magunta Raghava, son of YSRCP MP Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy on Saturday in connection with the Delhi excise policy scam case. He was arrested after questioning at the ED headquarters in Delhi. Raghava will be produced in the CBI special court in Delhi by noon, where the federal probe agency will seek his custody.
Raghava Reddy is the son of industrialist Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy, who won from the Ongole parliamentary constituency in Andhra Pradesh on the Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy-led YSR Congress Party ticket in 2019. The arrest of Raghava Reddy is the ninth in this case by the ED, and the third this week.
Two days ago, the ED officials arrested Gautam Malhotra, a Punjab-based businessman. He is the son of former Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) MLA Deep Malhotra and the liquor manufacturing and distribution director from OASIS group.