New Delhi: The Rouse Avenue Court will announce the sentence to two convicted Aam Aadmi Party MLAs in a 7-year-old case of allegedly attacking policemen along with a mob in the national capital. The court has found Akhilesh Pati Tripathi, MLA from Aam Aadmi Party's Model Town assembly seat, and Sanjeev Jha, MLA from Burari seat guilty under sections 147,149, 186, and 332 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
The court of Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Vaibhav Mehta of Rouse Avenue Court, on 7 September, convicted Tripathi and Jha for misbehaving with police personnel on February 20, 2015. Police alleged that the MLAs instigated the crowd and joined them and attacked the police force.