New Delhi:Delhi's Patiala House Court issued a notice to the Delhi Police after having heard a plea filed by the Ansal brothers' against the punishment awarded for tampering with evidence in the 1997 Uphaar Cinema case. Additional Sessions Judge Anil Antil sought a response from Delhi Police on the appeal moved by Gopal Ansal, Sushil Ansal, and one PP Batra and fixed the matter for November 15, 2021.
During the hearing, the accused objected to the locus of Association of Victims of Upahaar Tragedy, (AVUT) which was opposed by Vikas Pahwa Senior Advocate. Court then directed the prosecutor to serve the copy of the appeal and application to the complainant AVUT also.
Earlier this month the Association of Victims of Uphaar Tragedy (AVUT) urged a Delhi court to sentence the real estate tycoons Ansal brothers and others for tampering with evidence in the case.
Earlier, on November 8, the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Pankaj Sharma had sentenced seven-year imprisonment to five accused, including Sushil and Gopal Ansal. The court had also imposed separate fines of Rs 2.25 crore on the duo.
Read:Uphaar Fire Tragedy: 7 years in jail for Ansal brothers for tampering with proof