New Delhi: A Delhi Court on Friday dismissed the bail application of an accused in Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA), observing that the eight protected witnesses are "yet to hit the witness box". Additional Sessions Judge Vinod Yadav dismissed the bail application of Mohd Umar, alias Pau stating that the nature of allegations against him are "extremely grave in nature".
"Eight protected witnesses are yet to be examined in the matter and the applicant's brothers/gang members are cock of the walk in the area of Police Station Seelampur," the Court said. The Court added that the conduct exhibited by the applicant and his other brothers/co-accused persons, as discussed in the preceding paragraph(s) disentitles him for grant of bail at this crucial stage, especially when the eight protected witnesses are yet to hit the witness box.
Read: Delhi court dismisses bail plea of Kashmiri separatist leader Shabbir Shah