New Delhi: Delhi's Rohini Court directed the City Police to file an action taken report on a complaint filed by Vishal Goyal alleging misuse of his money for a porn movie production by Bollywood film actress Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra. The matter was posted for the next hearing on November 9.
Petition filed by Vishal Goyal, partner of Artek Builders, said that Kundra and Shetty conspired to show Viaan Industries as a company with goodwill. He was told that the couple said that they have animation, gaming, licensing, technology and beauty products businesses.
Further, Goyal said that the petitioner invested Rs 41 lakh in the company, but later, it was found that the accused used the money for allegedly making porn movies. The petitioner sought to register an FIR against the accused alleging forgery and criminal conspiracy.