New Delhi: Days after the MCD polls, the Congress' Delhi unit vice-president Ali Mehdi and its two newly elected councillors joined the Aam Aadmi Party on Friday. Two of the Councillors are Sabila Begum and Nazia Khatoon. At a press conference, AAP leader Durgesh Pathak said they decided to join his party after seeing the work done by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
"We have invited the BJP and Congress to work for the betterment of Delhi. I am very happy to announce that Delhi Congress vice-president Ali Mehdi and the party's two newly elected councillors Sabila Begum and Nazia Khatoon are joining AAP," Pathak said. Sabila Begum won from ward number 243, Mustafabad, and Nazia Khatoon won from ward number 245, Brij Puri. The Congress managed to win nine seats in the recent MCD polls.