New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday called the incident of a woman's body being dragged for four kilometres by a car after it hit her scooter a "rarest of rare" crime and demanded that the accused be given the strictest punishment.
"It is a rarest of rare crime. I don't know where society is heading. I have learnt that the postmortem is underway," he told reporters at a ceremony to flag off 50 electric buses. Earlier in the day, taking to Twitter, Kejriwal had demanded justice for the 20-year-old woman.
Calling it an "extremely shameful" incident, he said, "I appeal that the accused, despite whatever influence they might hold, be given strictest punishment." "What happened to our sister in Kanjhawala is very shameful. I hope that the culprits will be punished severely," Kejriwal, who is also the national convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), said in a tweet in Hindi.