New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Thursday said that they have arrested eight persons in a case of vandalism outside the residence of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. A senior police official confirmed that have been inquiring about the whereabouts of other BJP Yuva Morcha activists (BJYM). "With the help of CCTV footage, we identified the persons behind the incident. We formed several teams and arrested the accused from different places," the official said. Delhi Police had on Wednesday registered an FIR against unidentified people in this matter. Police are also scouring CCTV footage to identify more culprits.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Sagar Singh Kalsi said that the activists of BJP Yuva Morcha in the Civil Lines area had staged a protest in front of the residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, on Wednesday morning, at around 11.30 am. At least 200 protesters had gathered, a few yards away, from the residence of the Delhi Chief Minister. The BJYM activists were protesting over Kejriwal's remarks in the Assembly against 'The Kashmir Files' and 'Kashmiri Pandits'.
Also read:Attack at CM residence: BJP wants to assassinate Delhi CM, alleges Manish Sisodia, FIR registered