New Delhi:Intensifying its actions in the battle against air pollution in Delhi-NCR in the coming days, the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) urged all concerned including Industries and Project Proponents of Construction and Demolition (C&D) sites to strictly follow the statutory directions issued by the Commission, said the officials on Saturday.
The general masses have also been advised to strictly follow the steps highlighted in the Citizen Charter in each stage of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) in the coming days. The 40 inspection teams/ flying squads constituted by the Commission are under directions to intensify inspections, supervise and rigorously monitor enforcement and compliance of statutory directions issued by the Commission to ameliorate the air quality of Delhi-NCR.
These flying squads will conduct surprise inspections and field-level incognito checks at industrial units, C&D sites, commercial/ residential units, air pollution hotspots, etc. These flying squads will widely cover all parts of the Delhi-NCR to track down violators and report the details to the Commission for stringent actions against them.