New Delhi:A special session of the Delhi Assembly began on Friday with the ruling AAP and the opposition BJP attacking each other over allegations of MLA poaching and irregularities in the Arvind Kejriwal government's excise policy. Deputy Speaker Rakhi Birla adjourned the House for 10 minutes as both sides kept raising slogans.
Delhi Assembly special session adjourned for 10 mins amid slogan shouting
A special session of the Delhi Assembly began on Friday with the ruling AAP and the opposition BJP attacking each other over allegations of MLA poaching and irregularities in the Arvind Kejriwal government's excise policy.
Delhi Assembly special session adjourned for 10 mins amid slogan shouting
While the AAP MLAs shouted "Khokha-Khokha", referring to allegations of their party that the BJP was offering Rs 20 crore to each of them for switching sides, the BJP legislators shouted "Dhokha-Dhokha", alleging a liquor scam by the Kejriwal government. Earlier, amid the slogan shouting, the deputy speaker ordered ruling AAP MLA Rituraj to leave the House for 15 minutes. (PTI)