New Delhi: Delhi Assembly Deputy Speaker Rakhi Birla on Friday marshalled out all BJP MLAs for the entire day of the special session over a video recording by saffron party legislator Ajay Mahawar. Birla asked Mahawar if he made a video recording of the Assembly proceedings by going against the laws. "Have you done the video recording? If you have, then why should your phone not be seized? This is against the laws of the House," she said.
Delhi Assembly dy speaker marshals out BJP MLAs for entire day of session
Delhi Assembly Deputy Speaker Rakhi Birla on Friday marshalled out all BJP MLAs for the entire day of the special session over a video recording by saffron party legislator Ajay Mahawar.
Mahawar and his party MLAs did not respond to Birla's questions. The AAP and the BJP MLAs got into a war of words over the issue. Following this, Birla said BJP MLAs have wasted the time of the House and marshalled them out. BJP MLAs came out of the House and stood near the Gandhi statue on the Assembly premises and raised slogans demanding Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's arrest and removal from cabinet over the controversy surrounding the Excise Policy 2021-22. (PTI)
Delhi Assembly