Gandhinagar:Minister of State for Defense Ajay Bhatt and Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Tuesday reviewed the preparations for the 12th edition of the Defense Expo 2022 which will be held in Gandhinagar from March 10 to 14. As many as 973 exhibitors, including 121 foreign exhibitors from 63 countries, have already registered for Asia's largest exhibition on land, naval and homeland security systems, and their number is likely to increase in the coming days with relaxations in COVID restrictions, a defense release stated.
DefExpo 2022 -- a premier defense exhibition to be conducted under the aegis of the Ministry of Defense -- will be the biggest to be held so far, showcasing India's defense manufacturing capabilities along with participation from the world's top defense manufacturing companies, it said. "Reviewing the planning and arrangements for the event (at the apex committee meeting), Raksha Rajya Mantri expressed that DefExpo would give a great opportunity to investments being sought for defense based industries, especially in Gujarat," an official release said.
The Union minister expressed the government's keenness to "indigenise" the defense manufacturing sector and take India towards becoming self-reliant in terms of defense production, with the country on the path to being recognised as a net defense exporter. This mega event will provide an opportunity for major foreign Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to collaborate with the Indian Defense industry and help promote the 'Make in India' initiative envisaged by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the release quoted the Union minister as saying.