New Delhi:Actor-activist Deep Sidhu, who is accused of being the key conspirator of the violence that ensued at the Red Fort on Republic Day, appeared in Delhi's Tis Hazari Court on Monday. Sidhu and several other accused appeared before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Gajender Singh Nagar through video conferencing. The chief metropolitan magistrate directed the police to supply charge sheets to all the accused and listed the matter for further hearing on July 22.
Last month, the court had taken cognizance of the charge sheet filed by the Delhi Police in this case. Metropolitan Magistrate Gajendra Nagar had ordered all the accused including Deep Sidhu to appear in the court on July 12.
On June 19, after taking cognisance of the charge sheet, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Gajender Singh Nagar had issued summons to Deep Sidhu and others asking them to appear before him via video conference on June 29. Delhi Police has registered a case under various charges dealing with sedition, rioting, violence, attempt to murder and dacoity. Later the case was transferred to the crime branch of Delhi police. The charge sheet runs into around 3000 pages. Names of some farmer leaders are also mentioned in the charge sheet. The first charge sheet was filed before a magistrate in Tis Hazari Court on May 17.
READ:Split in Shiromani Akali Dal over Deep Sidhu
Deep Sidhu, who was arrested in this case was later released on bail. Delhi Police has alleged that he allegedly instigated the mob not to follow the permitted route of the Kisan parade and to breach barricades with tractors on January 26.