New Delhi:Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra has said that the voter lists will be updated in Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with the delimitation exercise and the decision on assembly elections will be taken after consultations with political parties. In an interview with ANI, Sushil Chandra, an ex-officio member of the Delimitation Commission for Jammu and Kashmir, said that the whole process of delimitation has been "transparent and participative".
The Delimitation Commission finalised the final delimitation order for Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday which has paved the way for assembly polls in the union territory. The delimitation order will come into effect from the date of notified by the central government. Chandra said that the Election Commission follows its own process for conducting polls.
"The voter list will be updated. The political parties will be consulted by the Election Commission and we will reach a decision on date of polls after discussions," Chandra told ANI. As per the final Delimitation Order, out of the 90 assembly constituencies, 43 will be part of the Jammu region and 47 of the Kashmir region.
Nine seats have been reserved for the Scheduled Tribes (STs) for the first time - six in the Jammu region and three in the Kashmir Valley. Seven seats have been reserved for Scheduled Castes. The constitution of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state did not provide for reservation of seats for the Scheduled Tribes in the legislative assembly.
All five parliamentary constituencies will have an equal number of assembly seats for the first time. Jammu and Kashmir has been treated as a single entity for the purpose of delimitation. Chandra said one of the parliamentary constituencies has been carved out combining the Anantnag region in the Valley and the Rajouri and Poonch of the Jammu region.
By this reorganisation, each parliamentary constituency will have an equal number of 18 assembly constituencies each. "For five parliamentary constituencies, Delimitation Commission has ensured that all of them have an equal number of assembly constituencies. The division is such that each parliamentary constituency has 18 assembly constituencies," he said.