New Delhi:The Delhi High Court Friday directed the Centre to decide a representation to withhold the release of a movie, based purportedly on the “dilemma of religious conversions” surrounding inter-religion marriages.
A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice Jyoti Singh, while dealing with a PIL by All India Practicing Lawyers Council, said the government has the power to consider the grievances raised by the petitioner and take necessary action.
“We direct the concerned respondent authority to decide the representation of the petitioner dated August 31 in accordance with law, rules, regulations, government policy applicable to the case, on the basis of the evidence on record as expeditiously as possible and practicable and keeping in view the allegation that the movie is going to be released on October 8 on YouTube and other platforms,”
The court observed that the petitioner was yet to watch the entire movie, 'The Conversion', and has approached it on the basis of the trailer which was stated to contain provocative content.
Also Read:SC refuses to entertain plea on religious conversion laws