Mumbai:The Bombay High Court has directed the Maharashtra government to expeditiously decide an application filed by a 16-year-old girl seeking approval to transplant a part of her liver to her ailing father. A division bench of Justices Revati Mohite Dere and Madhav Jamdar was on Monday hearing a petition filed by the girl through her mother seeking a direction to the state government to permit the minor girl to donate part of her liver to her ailing father.
According to the petition, the girl's father is in need of a liver transplant as he has been diagnosed with 'liver cirrhosis decompensated'. The petition said all close relatives were evaluated as potential donors but except for the petitioner (daughter), none were found medically suitable. The petitioner's lawyer Tapan Thatte told the court that since the petitioner is a minor, she would not be able to donate a part of her liver without taking approval from the appropriate authority of the state government set up under the Organ Transplantation Act.