New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday said the Centre, states and union territories will celebrate the current month of December as "Gaurav Maah” (pride month) to honour the contributions of the armed forces and their veterans to the nation.
On the eve of the Armed Forces Flag Day, Singh also appealed to people to contribute to a fund for the rehabilitation and welfare of next of kin of the soldiers who laid their lives in the line of duty, or were rendered disabled.
"The entire month of December will be celebrated by the Centre, states and union territories through the Sainik Board as Gaurav Maah," Singh said.
The Kendriya Sainik Board is the apex body of the government that formulates policies for rehabilitation and welfare of ex-servicemen and their dependents.
India has been observing December 7 as the Armed Forces Flag Day since 1949 to honour those soldiers who valiantly fought on the borders to safeguard the country's honour.
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