Mumbai: The father of deceased IIT Bombay student Darshan Solanki has written to Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde alleging that his family was facing harassment from the police in the registration of an FIR into the death of his son, an official said. The letter, written on Wednesday, also said the family was "completely shocked and disheartened" by the attitude of the police and the members of the Special Investigation Team (SIT), who have been "refusing" to register the FIR for almost two weeks now.
A copy of the letter is also addressed to Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, who handles the home portfolio, and Mumbai Police Commissioner Vivek Phansalkar, the official said. Darshan Solanki, who hailed from Ahmedabad in Gujarat and was a first-year student of the B Tech (Chemical) course, allegedly committed suicide by jumping off the seventh floor of a hostel building located on the campus on February 12 this year.
His family has claimed he faced discrimination at IITB for belonging to a Scheduled Caste (SC) community and suspected foul play in his death. However, the inquiry committee set up by the institute had ruled out caste-based discrimination and hinted at deteriorating academic performance as a possible cause of suicide.
In his letter, Darshan's father Ramesh Solanki said, "This is to inform you that I along with my family had travelled from Ahmedabad to visit the Powai police station for registration of FIR on the basis of my complaint dated March 16 in the case of my son's death. However, in spite of our requests the Powai police station refused to register the FIR stating that since the SIT has been constituted to investigate the case, they cannot register the FIR and they will forward the complaint to the SIT for necessary action."