Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh):An FIR has been filed against strongman Kailash Bahadur Singh for having issued death threats to Retd. Justice DK Arora the Chairman of Uttar Pradesh RERA Appellate Tribunal via WhatsApp, late on Sunday night. A member of the RERA Appellate Tribunal in Lucknow Rajiv Mishra filed a case in PGI police station of the city.
Justice Arora had received the alleged death threat from a number '9415132767' on his WhatsApp that read, "Mr DK Arora, I am not Sundar Lal to remain mum and suffer. I am Kailash Bahadur Singh from Pratapgarh and I'll come to the desk (court) and shoot you."
Following the death threat, security for the retired Justice DK Arora has been increased.
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