Sitapur(UP): In all, 40 children from a government school here were rushed to a hospital after they accidentally consumed milk in which a dead lizard was found. Milk was offered to students as a part of the mid-day meal served in school. The incident was reported on Wednesday at the Composite School of Gopalpur West in the Gondlamau block. The Sandana police have taken cognizance of the matter.
The lizard in the milk was first spotted by one of the cooks at the school after the children had already consumed the milk. The children also started panicking after the cook spotted the lizard, which is assumed to have fallen into the milk pot while it was boiling. The school authorities alerted the police as well as the parents of the students about the incident. Under the police's supervision, all 40 students, who consumed the milk, were sent to the Gondlamau Health Centre here. Block Education Officer Pushpraj and a team of doctors conducted medical checkups of the students.