Ajmer (Rajasthan):A school of dead fishes on Monday was seen floating in Gundlav Talab in Rajasthan's marble city, Kishangarh giving rise to concerns over water contamination. The locals informed the administration after the foul smell started to emanate from the pond. Upon being informed about the incident officials of the Municipal Council reached the spot and deployed a team for cleaning the pond using tractors, auto-tippers, and small boats. The dead fishes were collected and dumped at the city's dumping yard.
Subsequently, the administration suspects the lack of oxygen level in the water was the reason for the death of about 1000 fishes. The officials also fear the reduction of oxygen level occurred because of sewerage and polluted drain water merging into the pond. The locals have also expressed displeasure over increasing water contamination in the city where a similar incident has happened before.