New Delhi:The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Tuesday issued notice to police after a woman was allegedly burnt at her matrimonial house, officials said. The Commission said it received a complaint regarding the attempt to murder of a lady by her husband. The complainant submitted that she lives with her husband and in-laws at her matrimonial house in Mandawali.
DCW issues notice to Delhi Police over attempt to murder of lady over dowry
DCW on Tuesday issued notice to police after a woman was allegedly burnt at her matrimonial house, officials said. The Commission said it received a complaint regarding the attempt to murder of a lady by her husband.
According to DCW, she informed that her husband fights with her and often beats her. On September 2, her husband fought with her and also demanded a dowry of Rs. 5 Lakh from her. She alleged that when she resisted, her husband and father-in-law put her on fire, the commission said. The lady is presently admitted in a hospital in Delhi and her condition is stated to be critical. She has sustained severe burnt injuries and is fighting for her life, the panel said.
Terming it as a 'serious matter', the commission has sought a copy of an FIR and details of the accused arrested. It has also sought a detailed action taken report (ATR) latest by September 9. DCW chief Swati Maliwal stated, "The incident is totally horrific. The woman is badly burnt and struggling for her life in a hospital. It's shameful that women are still being burnt for dowry in the country.....Accused must be arrested immediately and strict action should be taken against them." (PTI)