New Delhi:One person was arrested on Thursday after Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal alleged the former had dragged her behind his car for 10-15 meters after her hand got stuck in the car window when she approached him to seek an explanation for 'indecent gestures'. The incident took place opposite the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at around 2:45 am when she was at the spot with her team, Maliwal said in a police complaint.
The arrested person was later identified as one Harish Chandra, resident of Sangam Vihar in South Delhi. He stopped his vehicle outside AIIMS gate number 2, and gestured Maliwal to step in, the DCW chief stated in a police complaint, noting that upon her refusal, he went some distance before turning back and doing the same thing again.
This time, Maliwal said, she approached the vehicle from the driver's side window to reprimand the man but he quickly rolled up the glass pane, trapping her hand in it, and then drove on for 10-15 meters. Delhi Police officials said they discovered her at around 3:05 am on the pavement opposite AIIMS and asked her if she was in distress when she revealed the incident.