New Delhi: Hours after former Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah met Rahul Gandhi at 10, Janpath on Wednesday, his contender DK Shivakumar arrived at the same place for a meeting. The race for the chief minister's position in Karnataka stepped into its fourth day on Wednesday.
In addition to this, former Congress president Sonia Gandhi is expected to reach Delhi on Wednesday from Himachal Pradesh to take part in the key meetings to decide the top position in the southern state. The Congress party is continuing on its deliberations to choose the man fit for the top job given the neck-tight competition between Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar. Both have been persistent with their claims to the Chief Minister's position and had individual meetings with Kharge Tuesday evening.
Sources said that DK Shivakumar, the Karnataka Congress chief who as he claims 'delivered' Karnataka to Sonai Gandhi is likely to meet Sonia Gandhi and agree to her suggestions. Earlier, before leaving for Delhi Shivakumar said that the Congress party was his God and his temple and God and mothers always know what to give to children. "I am going to the temple to meet my god. I am going alone," he added.