Jaipur: A Dalit man was allegedly beaten up and forced to wear a garland made of shoes by three men on Friday in Rajasthan's Sirohi district, police said. The accused thrashed Bharat Kumar Julawa and also recorded a video of the act, Kotwali Station Officer Rajendra Singh Rajpurohit said.
Dalit man thrashed, humiliated with shoe garland in Rajasthan's Sirohi district
The accused thrashed Bharat Kumar Julawa and also recorded a video of the act, Kotwali Station Officer Rajendra Singh Rajpurohit said.
They later uploaded the video online. An FIR has been filed against all three under the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Act, police said. A hunt is on to nab the accused, they added.
Dalit man thrashed